Group 19 Created with Sketch. Vitajte na mojom profileInzerátyZoradenieVyberte možnosťOd najnovších ic-view-module-48px Created with Sketch. ic-list-48px Created with Sketch. Predaj26. 05. 2023iPhone trashcan Created with Sketch. ic-edit-24px copy 4 Created with Sketch. euro-app Created with Sketch. TopovaťIPhone 12 128Gb blackPredam iPhone 12 128GB Black Telefon je vymazany odhlaseny plnefunkcny Bateria 88% K telefonu pridam Usb c kabel krabicu novy obal plus je tam nalepene nove ochrane sklo Dovod predaja prechod na 13 ku Osobne Poprad Kontakt email alebo WhatsApp +... Group 2 Created with Sketch. Mobily Group Created with Sketch. Poprad499 €Štefan ŠvagerkoSúkromný inzerentVšetky inzeráty predajcu
Predaj26. 05. 2023iPhone trashcan Created with Sketch. ic-edit-24px copy 4 Created with Sketch. euro-app Created with Sketch. TopovaťIPhone 12 128Gb blackPredam iPhone 12 128GB Black Telefon je vymazany odhlaseny plnefunkcny Bateria 88% K telefonu pridam Usb c kabel krabicu novy obal plus je tam nalepene nove ochrane sklo Dovod predaja prechod na 13 ku Osobne Poprad Kontakt email alebo WhatsApp +... Group 2 Created with Sketch. Mobily Group Created with Sketch. Poprad499 €