Group 19 Created with Sketch. Vitajte na mojom profileInzerátyZoradenieVyberte možnosťOd najnovších ic-view-module-48px Created with Sketch. ic-list-48px Created with Sketch. Predaj12. 12. 2020 trashcan Created with Sketch. ic-edit-24px copy 4 Created with Sketch. euro-app Created with Sketch. TopovaťTv philips smart 55US6101 uhl. 139cmPredám trojročný TV Smart Philips model 55US6101/12, kúpený v Okay elektro - august 2017. 3840 x 2160 Ultra HD, 4K DVB-T/ T2/ T2-HD/ C/ S/ S2, CI+; Wlan, lan; Výstupy. 4xHdmi, 3x USB Web. prehliadač. Netflix, Youtube, Zrkadlenie -Mirracast, psík nám tam... Group 2 Created with Sketch. Televízory Group Created with Sketch. Prešov290 €PatrikSúkromný inzerentVšetky inzeráty predajcu
Predaj12. 12. 2020 trashcan Created with Sketch. ic-edit-24px copy 4 Created with Sketch. euro-app Created with Sketch. TopovaťTv philips smart 55US6101 uhl. 139cmPredám trojročný TV Smart Philips model 55US6101/12, kúpený v Okay elektro - august 2017. 3840 x 2160 Ultra HD, 4K DVB-T/ T2/ T2-HD/ C/ S/ S2, CI+; Wlan, lan; Výstupy. 4xHdmi, 3x USB Web. prehliadač. Netflix, Youtube, Zrkadlenie -Mirracast, psík nám tam... Group 2 Created with Sketch. Televízory Group Created with Sketch. Prešov290 €