Služby Arrow_Right Created with Sketch. Ostatné služby Arrow_Right Created with Sketch. Doučovanie trashcan Created with Sketch. ic-edit-24px copy 4 Created with Sketch. Ponuka euro-app Created with Sketch. TopovaťNemcina Group Created with Sketch. Bratislava IPridané: 15. 12. 2020Vyucujem nemcinu kvalitne som native speakerCENA6 €barbora.panticovaSúkromný inzerentVšetky inzeráty predajcuKontakt Group 6 Created with Sketch. 0907 643 117Poslať správu Shape Created with Sketch. NahlásiťID 52krPD95rR7V
heart copy 18 Created with Sketch. Ponuka01. 04. 2019Doučím vás anglický jazyk cez skype, osobne - rýchlo a ľahko Group Created with Sketch. Bratislava - Staré Mesto7 €
heart copy 18 Created with Sketch. Ponuka10. 04. 2019Nemčina rýchlo, kvalitne a lacno Group Created with Sketch. Bratislava - Petržalka10 €
heart copy 18 Created with Sketch. Ponuka26. 04. 2019Anglický jazyk cez Skype Group Created with Sketch. Bratislava - Staré Mesto10 €
heart copy 18 Created with Sketch. Ponuka09. 05. 2019Anglický jazyk kvalitne a individuálne Group Created with Sketch. Bratislava - Staré MestoDohodou