Umenie, hobby Arrow_Right Created with Sketch. Zberateľstvo Arrow_Right Created with Sketch. Mince, numizmatika trashcan Created with Sketch. ic-edit-24px copy 4 Created with Sketch. Ponuka euro-app Created with Sketch. TopovaťKupim stare mince do roku 1950 Group Created with Sketch. ZahraničiePridané: 29. 03. 2019Kupim stare mince do roku 1950. Ponuknite aj vo vacsom mnozstve.CENADohodouMichal PodstavekSúkromný inzerentVšetky inzeráty predajcuKontakt Group 6 Created with Sketch. +420722235358Poslať správu Shape Created with Sketch. NahlásiťID ELB5009
heart copy 18 Created with Sketch. Ponuka15. 11. 2019Predám Mincu 5 Lei recatui Romaniri z. roku 1942 z modrého kovu ,,Aktuálne" Group Created with Sketch. Čeľadice3 €
heart copy 18 Created with Sketch. Ponuka15. 11. 2019Predám mincu 10 centimov 1921 France Group Created with Sketch. Nitra15 €
heart copy 18 Created with Sketch. Ponuka15. 07. 2019Predám Mincu Ceylon 50 cents korunovačnú z. roku 1920 Group Created with Sketch. Čeľadice10 €
heart copy 18 Created with Sketch. Ponuka06. 09. 2019Predám staré mince Group Created with Sketch. TrenčínDohodou